12 Step Turnaround
Executive Overview
Turnaround Step 1: Why Do Businesses Fail and What You Can Learn From
These Failures
96% of all
businesses that fail, do so because of this one reason, find out what
the reason is.
Turnaround Step 2: How Do You Know That Your Business is in Trouble?
You will get access
to several easy to use financial assessment tools which will determine
the degree of trouble your business is really in
Step 3: Do You Really Have What it Takes to Turn Your Business Around?
Turnaround Step 3 contains a tool to determine if you are
suffering from Burnout and what to do about it if you are
Turnaround Step 4: Crisis Leadership
Leadership during a turnaround is very different from
"business as usual" leadership, find out how if differs
Turnaround Step 5 : Project Management & Your Turnaround Team
Project Management
has been called the "premier skill" necessary for success in the 21st
century. This section introduces this critical skill in the turnaround
Step 6: Stop Bleeding Cash
As a distressed
business if you run out of cash the game is over since it will be very
difficult to raise money through external loan & investment sources.
This section shows you how to avoid this problem
Step 7: Diagnosing Your Business Problems
You will learn about
1 very powerful tool that will simplify and speed up your problem
Step 8: Marketing During the Turnaround
Many turnaround leaders have failed because they focused so
much time and energy on the expense reduction side of fixing the system.
Don't make that same mistake.
Step 9: The Turnaround Business Plan
You will need a
compelling story to convince customers, employees, and bankers to stick
with you. This section tells you how to develop that story
Turnaround Step 10: Reorganizing the Business
reorganizing a business is a costly, complex and time consuming
activity. Learn how to do it more effectively.
Turnaround Step 11: Dealing with Creditors
Do not let creditor
pressures get the best of you, so you can focus on the main objectives
of the turnaround.
Turnaround Step 12: Financing the Turnaround
As you take your
business through a turnaround, external financing will be extremely
difficult if not out right impossible to get. Find out how to internally
generate funds.